Spotting Real And Fake Pay Stubs image
A pay stub is a piece of paper that is normally given to the employee with a paycheck. Some of the pay stub indications includes the amount of money that the employee was able to earn during his working period. Pay stubs usually provide a lot of useful information about the employees as it sates how much amount of money they earn. Many people have been able to develop fake pay stubs and if one is not able to tell between a real and a fake then automatically he is in deep trouble. One should be able to learn how to tell difference between a real and fake pay stub.

This is the way the might be caught if they present it to banks. In order for one to be able to tell if the pay stub is real or fake all the basic information should be correct. I f some information are not included then automatically this pay stub is fake, basic information may include the name, date, occupation, date of birth. Spelling mistakes must be given much concentration as if the basic information are misspelled the pay stub is then considered fake.  Explore more ideas about pay stub at

To add, there should be minimal estimation and roundups. By just looking at the round ups one can be able to tell if the pay stub is fake. A fake pay stub usually has an exaggerated round ups while a real pay stub has minimal or no round ups . A fake has no estimations hence exaggeration will be much while on the other hand genuine estimations allows for minimal round ups.  By just looking at legibility of the pay stub one can be able to tell the difference between a real and a fake pay stub. A real pay stub should clear and legible. If the pay stub is hard to read then it is considered a  fake pay stub. Even if it is from a small business organization a real pay should always be easy to understand and clearly legible. This is because of the decent quality paper used and the printer ink.  Check out this site  Real And Fake Pay Stub.

Another factor that is to be considered while telling if the pay stub is fake is the decimal places and point lines. A real pay stub usually has consistently placed decimal places and there lines are lined up.

It is because the accountant has taken much time in development of decimal places leaving no room for any possible errors. Accountant software is used to develop a real pay stub while a fake pay stub is developed by use of Microsoft word. Another factor used to differentiate a fake and a real pay stub is use of '0' and 'O'. This two factors cannot be differentiated by a fake pay stub as fake don't give much concentration on small details.